3:00 PM15:00

COVID-19: What Brokers Need to Know

Your clients are facing unprecedented challenges navigating COVID-19. Over the past two weeks, ThinkHR has fielded thousands of questions from employers across the country struggling to meet these challenges.

Join us for our upcoming webinar on Thursday, April 2nd as Frank Pennachio, Partner and Co-Founder of Oceanus Partners, discusses several key COVID-19 considerations for benefits and P&C brokers.

Click here to register

In this 60-minute webinar, Frank will discuss topics including:

  • How to identify and address emerging risks related to COVID-19

  • How to protect and leverage employees’ benefits during company shutdowns, furloughs, and layoffs

  • How to address challenges with business income policies

  • How to serve clients and grow your business in uncertain times

Can’t make the webinar? Register here and we’ll send you a recording.

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1:00 PM13:00

COVID-19 Employer Advisory Session: How Employers Can Make the Most of a 2 Trillion-Dollar Economic Lifeline

Join business leaders from OneDigital twice each week as they share the latest guidance for employers leading business continuity, workforce management and financial planning as a result of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

This particular session will offer high impact and actionable information you need to capitalize on the $2 trillion of relief and economic stimulus that was signed into law this past Friday.

The format of the session will include a brief overview of the key details of the CARES Act with a special focus on the “Paycheck Protection” SBA loan program and the opportunity to essentially convert some or all of those loan proceeds into an outright grant through the “Loan Forgiveness” provisions of the law. The overview will be followed by a 30-minute conversation with three of our key business leaders responsible for major segments of our business across the country.

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12:00 PM12:00

Answers for Employers on COVID-19

The rapidly evolving COVID-19 situation has employers scrambling to deal with many different employment issues. In this webinar, our attorneys will address employers’ most common questions, including how the Families First Coronavirus Response Act affects employers, how to handle business closures and what benefits are available to employees.

Date: March 27, 2020

Time: 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Central Time

To Register:

Zywave Partners can register for the webinar using this link: https://go.zywave.com/AnswersforEmployersCOVID-19_LP-Registration.html
Space is limited, so register now!

If the webinar registration fills up, you can still submit your information to receive a link to the recording following the live presentation.

We invite you to share the recording of this webinar with your clients and prospects. Watch for an email with a link to the recording and the presentation materials that you can share once the webinar has taken place.

If you are interested in providing a live webinar to your clients and prospects, please contact training@zywave.com for more information. Please contact our Partner Support team at support@zywave.com with any other questions.

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10:30 AM10:30

TAHU Call with Texas Workforce Commission

TAHU would like to invite its members AND their clients to join Texas Workforce Commissioner, Aaron Demerson and his staff, for a conference call to discuss the current pandemic situation regarding employment law, unemployment benefits, claims, child care and any other questions about the current crisis situation and response. This is an exciting and exclusive opportunity that Commissioner Demerson has carved out just for us.

The conference call is scheduled for Thursday, March 26th at 10:30 a.m. CST. Call in details follow at the end of this email.

In addition, here is a link to the DSHS resource page, which includes: a) what to do if you are sick; b) testing information, c) symptoms, and d) prevention tips.

The Texas Division of Emergency Management (TDEM)’s periodic/daily Situation Reports are helpful as are the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC)’s resource pages for employers, and for job-seekers, and child care needs.

On the issue of paid leave, the U.S. Department of Labor’s resources for expanded family and medical leave are here : employersemployees and Q&A.

Small businesses may be eligible for an SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loan; and FAQs by Texas businesses and Eco-Devo partners. 

The United States government has a one-stop-shop webpage covering all the aspects of federal response. 

There is likely more to come so stay tuned. Conference call instructions follow:

Admin@tahu.org is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: TWC Discussion Forum
Time: Mar 26, 2020 10:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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