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Why Employee Open Enrollment Meetings Help Maximize Employee Engagement

It’s complicated. This is the reality when it comes to employee benefits.

According to a recent survey, more than a third of employed individuals in the United States say that they do not fully understand the employee benefits they enrolled for during their last open enrollment. Among the younger workforce, this number rises to 54 percent.

During the open enrollment last fall, about 6 in 10 Americans spent more time reviewing their employee benefits. The same survey also revealed that 66 percent of employees want their employers to help them better understand their benefits. Employee benefits education should not just happen during open enrollment season, but throughout the year.

The numbers above show that the American workforce seeks education and guidance about their benefits. This is where open enrollment meetings to increase employee engagement come in.

5 Questions to Increase Employee Engagement in Open Enrollment

The open enrollment season is when employees can enroll or make changes to their health, medical, dental, and other supplemental coverage.  Unlike HR professionals who can probably ace a Q&A about benefits terminology in their sleep, most employees need guidance in determining what is available in their benefits package.

For entrepreneurs, managing a healthy workforce translates to better chances of achieving your business goals. If you are a small business owner looking for ways to encourage active participation during the open enrollment season, here are some questions you need to ask and address:

1. What Format Should be Used for Your Open Enrollment Meeting?

When aiming for better employee engagement, you need to educate and not just present. You also have to learn what works for your employees. Work schedules, geography, and work locations all play a role.

Historically, many employers opted for in-person meetings to deliver information about the benefits and details of the open enrollment season. Information about employee benefits is complicated, and being face-to-face opens doors for feedback and encourages people to ask questions. With the ongoing pandemic, however, virtual benefits meetings are gaining popularity.

During face-to-face sessions, you can invite guest speakers or subject matter experts who can explain complex concepts in a way that can easily be understood by your workforce. There can also be lunch sessions or mini get-togethers where your HR staff can tackle pre-scheduled benefits topics to enlighten employees and their dependents.

Likewise, you can also host virtual learning sessions. You can do scheduled webinars for a bigger group of employees or do video chat sessions where the setup will be more conducive to people asking questions about their benefits.

2. What Materials Should Be Shared and How?

During your open enrollment planning, find out from employees what more they want to understand about their benefits. Make sure you produce materials that will educate them about what’s important to them, such as health and wellness programs, opportunities for professional development, or financial wellness.

With a multi-generational and multi-educational workforce, you need to make the most of the different communication channels. You can go the traditional route by printing posters, handouts, or using the office bulletin board. Likewise, you can use e-mail messages, webinars, video presentations, social media, microsites, or your company’s blog.

Remember during the information rollout to keep the information in bite-sized chunks and avoid jargon to help improve employee engagement.

It is also crucial to distribute materials that your employees’ spouses and other eligible dependents can access.

3. How Long Should the Meeting Last?

Education about employee benefits should happen year-round and not just during open enrollment. If you want higher employee engagement, you need to invest in employee education.

While giving options on how they can attend the meeting, make these meetings about benefits mandatory. This gives your employees the impression that the company is serious about their health and wellness and you can ensure that everyone has received the information.

Make sure you schedule the meetings on a few different days and times of day, and offer a mix of virtual and in-person meetings. A setup like this will allow everyone to fit the meeting into their busy workday. Record the virtual meetings for employees to refer back to, or for those that have missed the live presentations.

The information you are providing during the open enrollment meeting is important, but don’t go on too long. Do not overwhelm your employees or they will walk away with nothing. Keep it short and sweet. Ideally, meetings should not exceed 45-60 minutes.

4. How many employees should be in each Meeting?

It really depends on how big your workforce is. The key to hosting a successful meeting is keeping the number of attendees manageable.

You don’t want to cramp a small space with too many attendees as that wouldn’t be conducive to learning. You can schedule meetings according to teams. When you keep people in groups that they’re comfortable with, you can easily encourage them to participate, ask questions, or share their concerns.

It will be beneficial for employees if you invite your vendors to participate during open season enrollment meetings. As partners in benefits administration, they might have specific materials that might be of interest to workers.

5. What Topics Should Be Covered During an Open Enrollment Meeting?

The open enrollment season can be a stressful time for a lot of employees. The concept of benefits can be confusing. It is essential that you cover all bases so they can make informed decisions and make most of the available benefits and options.

A typical employee will have questions such as why they need the coverage, what features fit their needs, what value can they get out of the program, and most importantly, how much will it cost them.

It must be clear what their coverage will provide and what changes will occur. Changes to the cost of coverage must be discussed. When premiums go up, this can translate to a lower paycheck for them. You can also inform them about alternatives they have if they need to save on cost so they can pick one that works best for their families.

It is also important to teach employees how to log on and navigate your online portal. Show them the different options they have and how to make changes to their coverage as needed.

Partner with a Benefits Agency and Streamline the Experience for Them

The open enrollment season is an excellent opportunity for you to educate your employees about their benefits. You can let them know that you are listening while influencing them to improve their health and financial habits.

With the help of an agency, you can improve employee experience during the open enrollment season. An agency can help navigate the complexities of healthcare through proper information campaigns so your employees can make most of their benefits.

You can also take the pressure of open enrollment off your HR team with the help of an experienced and well-equipped team of benefits administrators.

Likewise, benefits agencies have many connections in the industry who can offer your company their best-value plans at a lower cost.

Contact us today to find out how Benefit Concepts can help you implement comprehensive programs seamlessly using our experience and proven solutions.

NOTE: This content is not intended to be taken as legal, benefits, or HR advice. Since regulations change over time and can vary by location and employer size, consult a licensed broker or HR certified expert for specific guidance.